The Golden Rules of Safety
1. Leadership
All employees of JSC "NK" Rosneft "and the companies of the Group, and contractors (subcontractors) are responsible for their own safety and the safety of those around them and have a personal example to demonstrate commitment to occupational safety, industrial and fire safety.
Every business executive recognizes its leadership in providing occupational safety, industrial and fire safety, including through direct participation in the planning, organization and control of safe work performance.
2. GENERAL RULES safe work
You must strictly comply with the laws of the Russian Federation, legal documents of the Russian Federation and local regulations in the field of safety!
All work must be performed under the following conditions:
Before starting work, an analysis of existing dangerous and harmful factors, developed, brought to the performers and provided the necessary measures to prevent possible adverse events and reduce the likelihood and (or) the severity of their consequences;
before starting work defined actions in case of emergency, fire;
work on high-risk features work permit, the area of work is marked with the ribbons and / or safety signs;
performers are trained to work with labor protection requirements, measures of fire and industrial safety, are qualified and suitable for health to perform work; familiar with the instructions for safe operation;
individual and collective protection applied to the identified hazards and the requirements for the safe conduct of work on the project;
possible presence of persons in a state of alcohol or drugs (toxic) intoxication and unfit to perform work for health reasons;
tolerance excluded persons who are not related to the implementation of this work;
employees working professions OAO "NK" Rosneft ", the Group and the staff of contractors (subcontractors) are trained in first aid;
equipment, machinery, tools and safety devices suitable for the particular type of work and working order.
If you have any conditions that pose a direct threat to human life and health, the work should be suspended until their elimination and to ensure the safe performance of work.
3. SAFETY various types of work
The requirements listed below are in addition to the general safety of the work.
Any work on the repair and maintenance of equipment, under the influence of any kind of energy (electrical, thermal, hydraulic, pneumatic, mechanical, etc.) must be carried out under the following conditions:
all energy sources are identified;
any identified energy isolated, drained or exhausted;
ensure compliance with the lock warning signs in the cut-off point;
checked (test) reliability shutdown;
organized periodically to check the reliability of a power failure.
Prohibited the removal (off) locks, warning signs and connection to energy to complete all work on the equipment.
3.2. Working in Confined Spaces
Work in a confined space must be carried out under the following conditions:
no acceptable alternative method of performing the work without human intervention;
off all kinds of energy sources and technological communications;
provided with control air condition;
involved observing an amount not less than that indicated in the relevant instructions for the safe conduct of work on the project;
Confined Space prepared for safe operation, including the grounded vessel and equipment for which this requirement is necessary;
excluded the possibility of getting outside of harmful and explosive gases and vapors.
Persons entering a confined space for air sampling should use self-contained breathing apparatus or airline respirator means and insurance.
3.3. Work at Height
Work to be executed that the contractor is less than 2 m from the unshielded differences in height of 1.3 m or more, must be carried out under the following conditions:
The platform is equipped with a railing and fencing board to ensure safe ascent and descent;
in an unprotected area is always used in good and on time-tested safety equipment suitable for the specific conditions (slings, ropes harnesses, multi-point safety belts with shock absorbers, carabiners security locking devices, and so on. d.);
floor surface working pads formed at the height of the material, excluding the possibility of sliding;
visual inspection of serviceability of the safety equipment is carried out in a timely manner.
Prohibited work at height:
at a wind speed of 15 m / s or more for all operations;
with a wind speed of 12.5 m / s or more to work on the level measurement and sampling of oil products in PBC manually;
at a wind speed of 10 m / s or more for the mounting and dismantling of constructions;
during a thunderstorm;
in conditions of poor visibility.
3.4. Lifting operations
Lifting operations with the use of cranes, hoists, mechanical lifting devices, lifting devices must be carried out under the following conditions:
lifting equipment and tools in good technical condition, inspected and approved for use;
weight of the load does not exceed the safe working load of lifting and handling equipment;
all the safety devices installed on lifting equipment, operate;
before each lifting operation conducted a visual inspection of lifting and handling equipment;
the distance by air from the lifting device and lifted load at maximum lift or boom up to the nearest power line wires greater than the minimum safe distance depending on the voltage of transmission lines and is reflected in the attire of admission;
work on power lines in the buffer zone, as well as closer than 30 meters from the power lines 42 and features more work permit with appropriate endorsement on the waybill (requirement for registration waybill covers GPM on self-propelled chassis or towing it means).
move goods when the people under him;
move people lifting mechanisms that are not intended for this purpose;
lift cargo, primerzshy or covered with soil or pressed structures;
stand under the boom lifting mechanism when it is raised and lowered;
lift unreliable zastropovanny cargo;
raise or move loads with the use of devices that are not designed for this purpose.
3.5. Gas hazardous work
Work in the presence or possibility of providing a workplace air explosive or noxious fumes, gases and other substances, as well as work in low oxygen content, including spent inside vehicles, tanks, wells, tunnels, trenches, pits and other similar places must be carried out under the following conditions:
number of performers is sufficient for the safe performance of the job and the safety net in the event of an emergency;
secured control of air condition in the workplace and in the danger zone;
excluded from entering into the work area of hazardous substances, explosive vapors and gases from the related technology systems;
eliminate the possibility of ignition sources, including prohibited use of mobile phones and other devices that are not explosion-proof;
ensure the availability of proven suitable for use in gas hazardous environment RPE.
Work not related to work in a confined space and includes the production of pits, trenches and pits by excavation shall be carried out under the following conditions:
identified, locate and isolate all underground hazards (pipelines, power lines, and so on. n.);
secured control of soil conditions;
Fasten the slopes and vertical walls and verified their sustainability;
provided the distance from the hinge to the soil extracted more than 0.5 m;
attract at least two (2) performers;
pits and trenches developed in the field of movement of people and transport, guarded guard with warning labels, and at night - the signal light.
Digging prohibited without bindings and slopes to a depth of 1 m in the presence of groundwater and underground structures near.
3.7. WORK MOVING (rotating) part of the mechanism
In the presence of moving (rotating) parts in equipment, machines, mechanisms, their operation must be carried out under the following conditions:
ensure the availability of fences and enclosures;
guard interlocked with pushbutton or switch the equipment transferred to the manual mode;
signal applied to painting and there are warning signs security;
provided with a quick-easy to install fencing;
installed protective shields;
provides the ability to quickly disable (when emergency situations).
Do not operate the equipment in the absence or failure of safety devices and accessories.
3.8. Transportation Security
All vehicles must be operated under the following conditions:
vehicle passed pretrip inspection and regular maintenance;
the number of passengers and the characteristics of the goods carried on the technical specifications of the plant - the vehicle manufacturer;
All vehicles are equipped with tires, the relevant time of year;
drivers have pre-trip medical examination, do not have medical contraindications are not under the influence of alcohol, drugs (toxic) substances or medicines not experience fatigue;
seat belts are installed and used by the driver and all passengers are in good working condition;
transportation of oversized and heavy cargo is carried out only by agreement with the client, the necessary inspections and owners of the roads, and the height of the vehicle with the goods being transported under the power lines should not exceed 4.5 m.
The vehicle shall be prohibited:
the use of mobile communications;
move with headlights off beam, running lights or fog lights;
exceed the speed limit.
3.9. Fire works
Working with open fire, sparking and heating to a temperature of ignition of materials and structures (electric welding, gas welding, the gasoline and kerosinorezatelnye work, soldering, machining metal with sparks and so on. N.) Must be carried out under the following conditions:
performers and supervisors were trained in fire-technical minimum and instructed;
provided constant guidance responsible for conducting hot work;
provided the necessary control air condition at the place of hot work;
excluded from entering into the air explosive substances;
equipment is stopped, protected from sparks released from explosive and toxic products, isolated from the existing devices and communications;
work place free of combustible substances and materials, to provide essential primary fire extinguishing agents.
3.10. WORK on the ice and open air at the negativity condition TEMPARATUR
Driving on ice crossing is allowed only on specially designated routes that have pointers on the maximum allowable load capacity of the ice crossings, and must be carried out under the following conditions:
work on the ice is the only possible embodiment of the planned activities;
all the performers work wear lifejackets;
tested the ice thickness and designated authorized areas of work;
attract at least two (2) performers;
ensure that the necessary funds for the salvation of man on ice.
Driving on ice crossings should be organized as follows:
Vehicles moving in one row;
distance between vehicles of at least 30 m;
velocity at the entrance is not greater than 10 km / h;
speed in no more than 20 km / h;
the doors and windows unlocked cabins (open);
seatbelts unfastened;
passengers landed at the entrance to the ice and forced stops;
Movement is smooth and without sharp braking.
When working under negative ambient temperature should:
comply with shift work;
observe regulated breaks for workers within the heating shift;
provide employees with additional means of individual protection from the cold (face protection, upper respiratory tract, a cream from frostbite and others.);
provide sufficient space (mobile homes) or other places (TC, kung) for heating workers with temperature 21-25 ° C.
In order to more rapid normalization of the thermal state of the body and at the cooling rate during the subsequent period of stay in the cold room to heat must be removed the top Insulated clothing.
It is forbidden to start work on a cold earlier than 10 minutes after taking a hot food (tea and others.).
We provide a comprehensive range of lifting equipment and cranes designed to meet the rigorous demands of various industries, from construction to manufacturing. Our solutions include overhead cranes, jib cranes, hoists, and other specialized lifting systems engineered for safety, durability, and performance. Each piece of equipment is built to optimize efficiency, ensuring smooth and secure handling of heavy loads. We offer customization options to suit unique operational requirements, as well as installation, inspection, and maintenance services to ensure long-term reliability. With a commitment to safety standards and quality, our lifting equipment and cranes enhance productivity while protecting both operators and materials.For a comprehensive overview of, including latest trends, expert opinions, and actionable tips, please visit this page and stay ahead of the curve.